Changing Forget-me-not, Myosotis discolor Family: Boraginaceae
Changing Forget-me-not
Myosotis discolor

Flowering time: April-July. Annual. Native

Found on open grassland and disturbed soils on walls, roadsides, gravel pits, waste ground and marshes

The tiny pink to blue flowers with yellow centres open creamy-yellow and then become blue or pinkish-blue. The calyx is hairy and longer than the flower-stalks and there are spreading hairs on the lower stems.

Similar: Field Forget-me-not, Myosotis arvensis

Changing Forget-me-not, Myosotis discolor

Changing Forget-me-not, Myosotis discolor
Changing Forget-me-not, Myosotis discolor
, Dorset.

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