Andricus curvator Hymenoptera: Cynipidae - gall wasp
Andricus curvator

Sexual generation - photographs on Quercus, Oak

Agamic and sexual generations on Quercus canariensis, faginea, petraea, pubescens, pyrenaica, robur

Agamic (parthenogenic) generation forms smooth bud galls on young shoots in late summer. 2-3mm high, often with a white ring below the tip.

Sexual galls usually on leaves (midrib), twigs and at the base of catkins. Gall approx 8mm wide, thin-walled with a small inner gall

Andricus curvator

Andricus curvator

Andricus curvator

Andricus curvator
Andricus curvator
Corfe Mullen, Dorset. August 2017. Ireland, February 2019

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