Bullwort, Ammi majus Family: Apiaceae
Ammi majus

Flowering time: June-October. Annual. Neophyte

Originally a wool-shoddy alien, now found as a bird-seed alien or garden escape and also included in 'wildflower' seed mixtures.

A tall, erect, hairless plant with umbels of small white flowers with pinnate bracts and long, narrow bracteoles. Lower leaves are 1-2 pinnate with toothed and narrow-ovate leaflets.

Similar: Wild Carrot, Daucus carota

Bullwort, Ammi majus

Bullwort, Ammi majus

Bullwort, Ammi majus

Bullwort, Ammi majus
Bullwort, Ammi majus
Photographs: Kingston Lacy, Dorset. July 2020

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