Tremella ramalinae Tremellaceae
Tremella ramalinae

Lichenicolous basidiomycete

Parasitic on Ramalina species. Photographs on Ramalina fastigiata

Gelatinous pinkish galls that become yellowish or reddish brown as they mature. Galls (basidiomata) 0.4-3mm diameter with constricted base, convex and disc-shaped becoming tuberculate. Basidia 23-34 x 8-14 µm, inversely pear-shaped with two transverse septa. The upper cell has one longitudinal septum, the lower cell is elongated with a stalk-like base. Micrographs below.

Similar: T. tuckerae. Basidia with single longitudinal or oblique septum

Tremella ramalinae

Tremella ramalinae

Tremella ramalinae

Tremella ramalinae
Tremella ramalinae
Photographs: Broadstone and Kingston Lacy, Dorset. November 2023, March 2024

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