Lichenostella griseofusca
Lichenostella griseofusca

Lichenicolous hyphomycete. Photographs on Lecanora hybocarpa
Prior to 2025 incorrectly reported as Tremella macrobasidiata (which doesn't occur in Britain and Ireland)

Causes blackish infections on the thallus and apothecia of Lecanora chlarotera sens lat.

Effuse, greyish-brown powdery conidial mass on blackened areas of host thallus and apothecia. Staurosporous (pinwheel shaped) conidia usually have four subhyaline to pale brown arms separated by a short central section. Individual arms are 1-2 celled, each arm 4.5-8.5 x 3.0-4.2 µm. Micrographs below.

Similar: Lichenostella hypotrachynae, on Hypotrachyna species

Lichenostella griseofusca

Lichenostella griseofusca

Lichenostella griseofusca

Lichenostella griseofusca
Lichenostella griseofusca
Photographs: Broadstone, Dorset. January 2025

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