Abrothallus bertianus Abrothallaceae
Abrothallus bertianus #

Lichenicolous fungus. Photographs on Melanohalea exasperata

Infrequent but possibly overlooked on the thalli of Melanelixia and Melanohalea species.

Dark-brown to blackish apothecia, slightly domed to nearly spherical in shape. Asci 8-spored, spores 1-septate, 10.5-15 x (4-)4.5-6(-7) µm, greenish becoming brown. Microscope photographs below.

Similar: Abrothallus parmeliarum on Parmelia, Abrothallus prodiens on Hypogymnia

Abrothallus bertianus

Abrothallus bertianus

Microscope photographs
Abrothallus bertianus

Abrothallus bertianus
Abrothallus bertianus #
On Melanohalea exasperata. Studland, Dorset. November 2013

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