Arthonia vinosa Arthoniaceae
Arthonia vinosa

Growth type crustose
Thallus K+/- pale purple, C-, Pd-, UV-. Apothecia K+ purple

Occurs on bark or lignum of (usually) Quercus and Alnus in old woodland

Thallus immersed or scurfy, whitish to pale fawn and often stained yellowish-orange. Rounded orange-brown to brownish-black apothecia, in section yellow-orange or brown-red. Spores colourless, 1-septate, 11-15 × 4-5 µm, brown and warted when old. Pycnidia frequent. Micrographs below

Similar: Arthonia spadicea, smaller spores, pigment not dissolving in K

Arthonia vinosa

Arthonia vinosa

Arthonia vinosa

Arthonia vinosa
Arthonia vinosa
Arne and Poole, Dorset. February 2014, January 2024

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