Alloarthopyrenia italica, Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa Trypetheliaceae (Arthopyreniaceae)
Alloarthopyrenia italica (Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa)

Growth type crustose
Chemical results negative.

Found on smooth bark, especially of young Hazel and Ash

Inconspicuous thallus, the small circular or ellipsoid perithecia often covered by a thin layer of bark cells. Spores 1-septate, 15-22 x 5-8 µm, constricted at septum, both cells medially constricted and with a distinct perispore. Microscope photographs below.

Similar: A. analepta. Larger perithecia, spores without median contrictions

Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa

Microscope photographs
Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa

Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa
Alloarthopyrenia italica (Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa)
On Viburnum. Portland, Dorset. February 2016

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