Stigmella crataegella Nepticulidae

ABH 4.023
B&F 108   *   Stigmella crataegella

Leaf mine photographs on Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna.

Wingspan: 4-5mm
Season: May-June

Food plant: Hawthorn (Crataegus)
Mine: June-August
Egg on underside, often near vein. Reddish-brown frass is linear at the start, coiled in central section and finally dispersed. Close loops are formed, often creating a secondary blotch. The larva is green.

Similar: 100 Stigmella oxyacanthella

Stigmella crataegella

Stigmella crataegella

Stigmella crataegella
Stigmella crataegella
Leaf mine on Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna. Dorset. August 2013

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