Opegrapha mougeotii Lecanographaceae
Alyxoria mougeotii (Opegrapha mougeotii)

Growth type crustose
Chemical results negative. BLS conservation evaluation: LC NS

On steep, sheltered limestone, mortared walls and calcareous sandstone

Thin, often immersed thallus with scattered or contiguous lirellae, the discs soon widely exposed with yellow-green or grey-blue pruina. Spores 5-7(-8) septate, (20-)25-33(-55) × 5-8(-10) µm. Micro photo below.

Similar: Opegrapha lithyrga (siliceous rocks, 5-7 septate spores, 20-35 x 2.5-5 µm, with gelatinous perispore 1-1.5 µm thick), Opegrapha calcarea (3-septate spores) and O. areniseda (spores usually 3-5 septate)

Opegrapha mougeotii

Opegrapha mougeotii

Opegrapha mougeotii

Opegrapha mougeotii

Microscope photograph
Opegrapha mougeotii, spores
Opegrapha mougeotii
Kimmeridge and Portland, Dorset. February 2014 and 2016

All images used are copyright. Please contact me if you find errors.