Lichenochora aipoliae Incertae sedis
Lichenochora aipoliae #

Growth type lichenicolous. Photographs on Physcia aipolia

Forms parasitic galls on the thallus of Physcia aipolia.

Pyriform perithecia are immersed in irregularly-shaped galls on host thallus with only the ostioles visible as small black dots. Asci usually 4-6 spored, the spores hyaline, 12.5-15 x 6-7.5 µm, 0-1 septate. Micrograph below.

Similar: L. physciicola recorded on P. tenella (spores 11.5-12.5 x 8-9 µm). L. obscuroides is usually on Phaeophyscia, rare on Physcia spp. and Lichenochora galligena has smaller spores (7.5-)10-11(-12) x 5-6(-7) µm

Lichenochora aipoliae

Lichenochora aipoliae

Lichenochora aipoliae
Lichenochora aipoliae #
Photographs: Broadstone, Dorset. January 2025

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