Lichenochora hyperphysciae Unknown family
Lichenochora hyperphysciae

Lichenicolous fungus. Photographs on Hyperphyscia adglutinata

Parasitic on the thallus of Hyperphyscia adglutinata

Subsperical galls are formed on the host thallus, initially concolorous then becoming brownish and containing multiple immersed perithecia. Paraphyses dissolve as the perithecia mature but periphyses are abundant. The asci are 8-spored, spores arranged biseriately, 1-septate, 10.5-13 x (6-)7-8 µm. Upper cell more than twice the size of the lower. Micrographs below

Similar: Lichenochora obscuroides on Phaeophyscia orbicularis

Lichenochora hyperphysciae

Lichenochora hyperphysciae

Lichenochora hyperphysciae

Lichenochora hyperphysciae
Lichenochora hyperphysciae
Photographs: Kingston Lacy, Dorset. July 2023

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